Nonostante Pinterest sia rapidamente diventato una delle principali sorgenti di traffico per le aziende, soprattutto per i brand che operano nel settore dell'abbigliamento, molti devono ancora "salire sul carro" del social network "visual" per eccellenza. Nell'articolo che segue, tratto da Mashable, vedremo perché Pinterest è così importante per un marchio e forniremo sette semplici passaggi per sfruttare la leva della presenza del brand su Pinterest.
by Charles Nicholls marketers have heard of Pinterest, but despite this, most brands have yet to hop on the hottest new social network. In this article, we'll look at why Pinterest is important to brands and provide seven simple steps for leveraging brand presence on Pinterest. Pinterest has quickly become one of the top five referring traffic sources for several apparel retailers. A study by Shareaholic in January showed that Pinterest drove only a fraction less referral traffic than both Twitter and Google, and more than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined. Despite the powerful numbers, most brands and merchandisers are not present on Pinterest. There’s no DKNY, Macy’s, Walmart, Target, etc. For those brands looking to develop a Pinterest presence, try these seven simple steps.
- assicurati il tuo username, il tuo spazio
- sfrutta i valori del tuo brand
- non presentare direttamente il prodotto, ma inseriscilo in un universo di significato coerente più ampio
- includi il prezzo
- usa gli hashtag
- aggiungi il bottone "pin it" nel tuo sito di vendita on line
- ascolta e coinvolgi la tua community
by Charles Nicholls marketers have heard of Pinterest, but despite this, most brands have yet to hop on the hottest new social network. In this article, we'll look at why Pinterest is important to brands and provide seven simple steps for leveraging brand presence on Pinterest. Pinterest has quickly become one of the top five referring traffic sources for several apparel retailers. A study by Shareaholic in January showed that Pinterest drove only a fraction less referral traffic than both Twitter and Google, and more than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined. Despite the powerful numbers, most brands and merchandisers are not present on Pinterest. There’s no DKNY, Macy’s, Walmart, Target, etc. For those brands looking to develop a Pinterest presence, try these seven simple steps.